Is not touching commonly touched surfaces turning into a balancing act?
Transmission of bacteria, germs and viruses from surface to human touch is one of the
fastest road to illness. If you cannot bubble wrap yourself, there is a quick fix solution to
remedy that- a film that covers surfaces around you.
Contashield Disinfection is a film that covers surfaces that acts as protective barrier on
contact surfaces such as touch screens, door handles, handrails, toilet seats, toilet doors,
tabletops and many more. Contashield adheres to the surface to prevent cross
contamination by killing the bacteria and virus on contact.
Contashield Disinfection film
- Transparent film
- Long lasting upto 6-9 months
- Round the clock protection against bacteria, viruses and germs
- Contashield was tested by Virology to kill 99.9% Human Coronavirus